Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Yes, I'm quoting from Clement Clarke Moore's The Night Before Christmas, but it seems to be about as much as I can muster after a wonderful Christmas filled with much family, love, and laughter.

I pray that each of you was able to experience His good gifts of love, peace, and new life this Christmas. Yes, every good and perfect gift is from above (James 1:17), and God gave us the perfect gift in His son, Jesus. His sole purpose in giving us this gift? That we might be redeemed and reconciled to Him, able to live with Him for eternity. That, my friends, is the extent of his love for us. May we each be able to grasp that truth of His love more fully in the coming year as we grow in our knowledge of God, and may our hearts be more completely His.

Much love and wishes for a Merry Christmas to you all!


Thea Nelson said...

Great post, Gena. Also, I read the words under your "Traveling Together" title and I thought they were very fitting of how you actually live. You are all about encouraging others in the journey! I am so thankful I bumped into you at Starbucks last year this time so we could get reconnected after all these years. Love to you and your family--please hug Peter for me (I'm sure he's taller than I am now)!

Gena said...

Aaahhh, Thea. I am also grateful that our paths crossed again last year. It is a blessing to keep up with you through FB and blogs. Yes, Peter may be taller than you are, but he's still just as sweet.

Blessings to you and your family in the coming year. Keep sharing what Christ reveals to you; your word (through His Spirit) will bring life to so many.
