Monday, January 19, 2009

I Love These Gals! (Now that we're grownups, I guess I should say, "women," but that doesn't sound nearly as fun!)

I truly believe that we can learn something from everyone we encounter in life, not just what we shouldn't do and be, but also what we can do and be. We often don't look closely enough at people in our lives to put ourselves in a position of learning, but if we will stop and think, really think, there are lessons God will use to transform us more into his likeness.

Once a month, we staff wives get together for a time a sharing and fun. It occurred to me when we were together last time sitting around a table at Starbucks that I have learned so much from each of them; each one is a beautiful woman, filled with the spirit, who brings joy and a smile to my heart when I see her or think of her. They live out Christ's love, day in and day out, serving in ways no one else (but God) will ever see. I sit with these beautiful women, and I think, "They are such gifts in my life!"

I have learned (and continue to learn) so much from each one of the staff wives, or more aptly, my friends. From Tricia, I have learned the value and joy of the spontaneous, heartfelt "I love you." From Sherri, I have learned greater compassion and empathy. And Jennah? Well, from Jennah, I have learned how to be real and accept others as they are. A deep, quiet understanding of grace has been Cheri's lesson to me. And from Cindi, I has seen encouragement in action and learned the value of random acts of kindness and a smile.

I pray for each of these women, their husbands, and their families, and I invite you all to pray for them also.

Pray that the Lord will continue to bless them and meet their every need. Ask God to pour His grace, peace, and love over them and their families. Pray that their marriages would be protected from the schemes of the evil one who seeks to divide and destroy. Pray safety for their families. Pray that they will continue to seek the Lord, first and foremost, to meet their deepest needs and to become the women He has created them to be. And pray that they would be blessed as greatly as they have blessed others.

Well, today is off to a great start! Dave and I are home alone (how often does that happen?), and we've had time to have our devotions, read the paper, drink some coffee, and relax without any interruptions. (That's the reason I am able to get a post written today, and also the reason why I don't get posts written more often.)

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! This day is subtitled, "A Day of Service," so how can we serve someone else today? I think pondering that question is a great way to start the day.


Anonymous said...

You are so sweet Gena! It is a blessing to be friends with you.


Shawnie said...

I am so thankful for all our pastor's wives. I join you in prayer for these lovely women.