Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year

Hello, dear friends and Happy New Year to you all!

I am sitting near my window, watching the rain fall outside and it is so peaceful (even with six children in the house).  What a great way to start a new year; I love it!

My prayer is that 2009 holds greater revelations of who Christ is and deeper understanding of the love He has for us. May we experience and acknowledge His grace towards us and may we extend that grace to others.  May we hold on to the good and release anything that would cause bitterness or ill-feelings towards others.  May we choose the higher road in all relationships, releasing others from our judgment.  May we rest in the peace that He gives, and may we grow in His love.  

Today, I am directing you to one of my all-time favorite blogs, Holy Experience, to read the wisdom posted there.  As I begin a new year, I find myself thinking along these very same lines.  Perhaps Ann's words will resonate with you, also.

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