I found the following courtesy of "The Organizer Lady." I wish................my family had this memorized and lived this out! :) If you are blessed enough to have young children, start training them NOW! I know it seems hard, but believe me, it doesn't get easier when they are older!
In Our Family
- In our family, we make our beds before we leave our room in the morning.
- In our family, we put dishes into the dishwasher, not the sink.
- In our family, we put what we need the next day by the front door the night before.
- In our family, we don't drop our things when we come in the door. We take them and put them where they belong.
- In our family, we put dirty clothes into the hamper as soon as we take them off.
- In our family, we take responsibility for completing the chores assigned to us.
- In our family, we don't complain about our responsibilities.
- In our family, we always flush the toilet immediately.
- In our family, we put up toys, games, tools, and stuff we are using immediately.
- In our family, we don't leave things out just because we plan to get back to the project later.
- In our family, we wash, dry, fold, and put up our clothes as one continuous job.
- In our family, we make sure all trash goes into the trash basket.
- In our family, we keep our closets and drawers neat.
- In our family, we use the team concept. Each person does his part to support all.
- In our family, we are willing to help others where necessary because we are a team.
- In our family, we talk kindly to each other.
- In our family, we think ahead to solve problems before they happen.
- In our family, we pay attention to maintaining beauty.
- In our family, we push our chairs up to the table when we leave.
- In our family, we strive to complete projects and clean up expeditiously.
- In our family, the person who uses the last sheet of toilet paper puts new roll on the roller.
- In our family, we value each other and the contribution each makes.
I love this!!! Although I must admit that a few of these are ones that I (not just my family)need to memorize! ;)
Love this! So, so true! I've been working on a few of these w/ the boys. Some they are still too little to get, but I better start now, huh? ;)
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