Saturday, December 22, 2007

Full House

Well, we've just celebrated the first of our Christmases!  My dad and stepmom came to our home, along with my sisters, their husbands, and families.  We had a blast together;  the laughs, food, Wii tournaments, animal sounds, and celebrating were such a blessing to me!  I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!  Between my two sisters and myself, we have ten (count 'em, TEN) children, so it's always noisy, busy, and fun when we're together.  I am so blessed!  Dave took some pictures, so if I can get them on my computer, I'll share them.

I was able to sit down and address envelopes for my Christmas cards last night, but since I don't send Christmas cards to most of you at church (simply because it would cost WAY too much for us to send to everyone), I thought I would post our family picture that we are sending to family this year.  I'm also including the snippet of information we have included on the back of our family picture.  So, since I can't send a card to all of you, here's what your are (or are not) missing!  :-)

*Pic Removed per K's request.

Lar-son – (collective noun) –David, still pastoring at New Life Christian Center where God continues to build His kingdom in powerful ways; Gena, still teaching 7th & 8th grade English and trying to manage her home and family schedules; Hannah, a senior at Turlock Christian, co-chaplain at her school and a bass-playing, harmony-singing girl; Eric, a sophomore at Turlock High School, running in cross-country and doing high and long jump in track, quite social and always good for a laugh; Peter, in sixth grade at a new visual and performing arts magnet school, an encourager by nature with a beautiful voice and musical ear; Kari, in a fourth grade G.A.T.E. class, an organizer extraordinaire with an artistic streak and a big vocabulary. (2007)

May you be blessed in the New Year
and may the miracle and gift of Christmas be your joy.

Merry Christmas!
Dave, Gena, Hannah, Eric, Peter, and Kari Larson

1 comment:

Kim said...

Love the picture. Merry Christmas to you all. Missing you!