If you attend our church, you've no doubt seen the signs, bulletin inserts, video, banner, and sign up tables for Servolution. I am on the planning team, and we are so excited to see God work through our body of believers at New Life to bless our community. In short, Servolution is "Love in Action" in our community; as you know, words are cheap, but actions speak loud and clear. It is our prayer that many will experience the love of Christ through our love and service to them.
If you haven't signed up yet, you can CLICK HERE. If you have questions about what Servolution is and what we will be doing, you can check the Servolution FAQ page. I encourage everyone reading (which by the way, some of you need to de-lurk!) to sign up to serve alongside of us. You won't regret it.
We have all kinds of projects that we will be doing that day, so there's a place for everyone to serve. We encourage you to serve with your children ages 8 and older. (Childcare is available for those 7 and under.) We desire to serve our community not as a strategy, but as an act of love. You can be a part of it, and I know you won't regret it.
Also, we are in need of projects and project leaders. If you know of someone we can serve, or if you are already a part of a small group, neighborhood group, etc... and would like to lead that group in a project, just let us know. There is a "Contact Us" link on the Servolution website (www.nlccservolution.com) for you to use.
I consider it such a blessing that God has allowed David and me to serve in a church body that is so sold out to radically loving and serving others. Seriously, you guys (and gals) are some of the most giving and loving people I have ever had the privilege of serving with. I am excited about what God wants to do through us as we live for HIS glory!
Oh, and by the way, "de-lurking" is the bloggy term for leaving a comment to let the person know you are reading his/her blog. It is considered polite to leave a comment when you begin reading a person's blog so that they have some way of knowing who's out there. I know some of you live in mortal fear that someone else will know you are reading, so feel free to send me an email if you'd like: gena (at) newlifecc (d0t) com
Okay, I'm outta here. It's time to get ready for the new week, so blessings to you all!