I am home this morning with a sick one. Last night, I awoke to the sound of little feet making haste to the bathroom with the ensuing echo of sounds that let me know that someone was throwing up. Amazing how that can make a sound-asleep mom jump up fast as lightening! Anyway, I am missing church this morning to be here to attend to her needs. I think it may be that there has just been too much activity the last week, and her little body seems to has less resistance to stress than some. I found myself feeling the same way yesterday; exhaustion seemed to overwhelm me after the intense last week of school for four of us here in this house.
I don't know why we would be tired. We only had the following activities/functions in the last week: An awards assembly, my day at Funworks with my junior high students, a wedding, our first invitational swim meet, an interrupted burglary, a graduation party, a Servolution debriefing meeting, a field trip to Boomers, swim practice four nights, a dentist appointment, finals, housecleaning for our graduation party, an 8th grade banquet, shopping for our graduation party, a school "market" day with needed items to sell, getting my final grades in, set up for the senior all night party, cleaning out my classroom and signing out for the year, an 8th grade graduation, a Hannah's graduation, Hannah's grad party at our home, working at the all-night grad party until 4:00 AM, Hannah gone to her senior grad party until 6:30 AM, and another graduation party. WHEW!
We all basically "crashed" yesterday! And I think some of that over-activity is why little Kari is not feeling well. She slept a lot yesterday as well as sleeping in today. She is now on the sofa again, drifting in and out of sleep cuddled with our dog. It is wonderful to have some time to let her be home to recuperate.
It's great to know that although I had to miss church today that I'll be able to listen to the message online when it's posted. Today's message is on forgiveness, and I know God wants us to walk in obedience to His word in that area, so I'm sure the message will challenge some to examine their relationships and to take steps to make amends or to offer forgiveness. I don't want to miss out on what God wants to say to me today, so I'll make sure to listen. (I guess I could just ask Dave to speak the message to me personally, but he is so exhausted after Sunday mornings that I know I would be "pushing it" to ask him, so I'll wait for it to be posted online! :-)
Blessings to you all on this beautiful Sunday morning!