Sometimes...we're not as smart as we think we are. Now, is one of those times. Allow me to explain:
When you placed your order on 09/21/2010, we told you that your items would ship on 10/6/10. Unfortunately, we are going miss this deadline. The delay is directly related to an inventory shortage. I know what you're thinking, "Don't you guys have systems and people in place to make sure this type of thing doesn't happen?" The answer to that question is "yes." But, we screwed up anyway.
Please trust that we are working hard, and doing everything we can, to get your order out the door as soon as possible. We now expect to ship your order on (hopefully before) 10/20 (2 weeks from today).
I know this is a significantly larger delay than you bargained for. I can't apologize enough.
Again, we are now quoting a 10/20 ship date...but we hope to be able to ship your order before then.
We pride ourselves on exceeding our customers' expectations. I know that we have failed in this instance. With egg on my face, I humbly apologize for the delay and hope that you can forgive us.
On a lighter note, we haven't fired our inventory manager. His job is secure and so is he. By secure, we mean that he's tied up in a broom closet, drinking leaky ceiling water.
Be safe out there; and let me know if you have any questions.
Edward Wimmer
Road ID