Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Just Worshipping in the Backyard

"We go to a building on Sundays to worship corporately. All the other times we are just worshiping.

I read this quote on another blog (sorry, I can't remember where) and thought, "I agree! I really am worshiping my God when I live out my everyday life aware of Him and His work all around me and in me. Today I worshiped God in the backyard. :-)

This was the first day I've felt like it was really summer, even though I've been out of school since May 25th! Our life has been so busy that we have not had any "down" time so far, but today was a total kick back day, and I LOVED it. My kids and I were blessed to have some friends come over for lunch and swimming. We all ate our lunches outside, went swimming (with even the moms jumping off the diving board-such a simple thing, but the kids love it for some reason), and we had popsicles and watermelon for snacks. I was able to really visit with my friend, down to the really "good meaty stuff" of life. Does it get any better than that? It was such a relaxing time, even with nine kids here, and you know what? I was worshiping God in the midst of it all!

I invite you to chose to worship God in the midst of your everyday life. When we are open to hearing and sensing Him, we realize that everything, absolutely everything, can be worship unto Him.

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