Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Peace of God

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7

As we are getting ready for our trip to Colorado (my daughter and her band are attending the GMA Music in the Rockies at Estes Park next week), I find that my thoughts are gravitating towards the school year coming up. I had a meeting today with my department, and although it went well, it put me back in school mode, and I've noticed anxiety trying to creep in. I wrote another entry about the above verses, but I find myself in need to absorbing these truths again in this present moment. As I'm sure you are starting to figure out, I'm an over-planner and an under-doer. So, tomorrow I'm headed to my classroom to try and get my bulletin boards covered so that at least that much is done. It will be a start, and I'll finish them after we get home.

Yes, we're (Dave, Hannah, and myself) are headed out to Colorado, and Dave and I are blessed to be staying with some dear friends who live close to Estes Park. I am so looking forward to some time to visit and catch up with them. While Hannah is busy all week at the conference/concerts, Dave and I will also see Nate and Heidi Lindskoog, Ben and Kim Kemper, and Dave's cousin, Lauri, while we are there. How fun is that? Yes, we know a lot of people who have been a part of the great California mass exodus! :-)

1 comment:

Ruth Ann Bradley said...

Dear Gena,
Thanks for sharing your
travels with us. Your description,of events,
made me feel ,I was there with you.
We have enjoyed all the services. The lyrics of Randy's
songs were very powerful. I loved
the children's performance a few
weeks back. They really lifted
everyones spirit. The mission trips
gave me insight to the sacrifices
our missionary's make to help
We are looking forward to seeing
you Sunday.

Ruth Ann